History Heroes 2018

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Meet West Virginia’s History Heroes 2018 from Marshall County: Jonathan Turak, Christopher Turak, Louis Khourey, and Harold Vitale!

Pictured: Delegate Joe Canestraro, Harold Vitale, Jonathan Turak, Christopher Turak, and Delegate Mike Ferro.

Louis H. Khourey, Jonathan E. Turak, Christopher M. Turak: This team has worked behind the scenes to assist in the preservation of the Cockayne Farmstead from its beginning, enabling the project to exist and thrive. The three men were instrumental in the society recovering significant plots of land to create the farmstead, and they introduced committee member to influential people who have helped the project over the year. Monthly committee meeting are held at their offices. For the past three years, Khourey, Turak, and Turak have been major financial sponsors of the farmstead’s annual golf scramble, organized by the team’s staff. Nominated by the Cockayne Farmstead.

Harold E. Vitale: Spent four decades teaching history to hundreds of high school students in the Marshall County school system. This work has added to the Marshall County Historical Society’s success by creating the core foundation that helps bring interested individuals to society functions. He also has been a loyal supporter of the public programs offered by the society through his attendance and interaction with participants. Nominated by the Marshall County Historical Society.